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Selling Oil Old Man

The selling oil old man, accompanied by the light, walks on the night road. His donkey carries a heavy oil barrel on its back, and walks with difficulty. He sings loudly while walking, attracting the attention of passers-by.

The selling oil old man sells oil, pouring lamp oil and lighting candles. The oil in the barrel is his wealth and his life. He relies on selling oil to make a living, day after day, year after year, living a simple and hardworking life.

Although the selling oil old man is poor, his heart is full of hope and joy. He believes that as long as he works hard, he will be able to live a better life. His singing also conveys this belief and strength.

The selling oil old man is an ordinary person, but his story is touching and inspiring. He created his own happiness and dignity with his labor and wisdom. Although his life is ordinary, it is full of meaning and value.

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